Retreat to Understand Husband and Wife Relationships
Retreat to Understand Husband and Wife Relationships wants to help Catholic couples to explore and interpret the experiences of consolation (spiritual entertainment) and desolation (spiritual loneliness) which are inevitable in living a family life. After this retreat, each couple is expected to have a clearer foothold in building family unity. The retreat is held for three days and two nights in a semi-silent atmosphere and guided.
Register Date : 07 December 2020 - 25 January 2021
Event Date : 07 February 2021 - 09 February 2021
Remaining Quota : 30
Spiritual Director : Wolfgang Hermann Bock Kastowo, SJ
Location : Rumah Retret Panti Semedi, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Facility :
Program Contribution : 650.000
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