Movie based contemplation
Movie based contemplation is a way of praying using movies as a form of contemplation to know and experience God. This contemplation can be applied personally or communally in the form of recollections and retreats. The exercise is held two days and one night and caters to film lovers and youth companions. The method is given by practicing both individually and collectively in group sharing. The materials include steps of Ignatian Prayer, Discernment of the Spirit, a Movie chosen by the guide, and a movie of each participant's personal choice.
Register Date : 06 January 2020 - 24 February 2020
Event Date : 07 March 2020 - 08 March 2020
Remaining Quota : 30
Spiritual Director : Antonius Sumarwan, SJ
Location : Manresa Residence, Toowong, Queensland
Facility :
Program Contribution : 650.000
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