What is My Tools and Goals of My Life?
What is the Means and Purpose of My Life is one of Ignatian's reflections. Through this program, participants are helped to sort, choose, and finally have the courage to determine life goals. It becomes very clear, which is the goal and which means which many times confuse and vacillate life. Assisted by the First Principles and Foundation of Spiritual Exercise, participants will find a purpose in life that leads to true happiness. This reflection is carried out for two days and one night and is open for the public.
Register Date : 01 January 2020 - 27 January 2020
Event Date : 17 February 2020 - 18 February 2020
Remaining Quota : 50
Spiritual Director : John Nugroho, SJ
Location : Rumah Retret Panti Semedi, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Facility :
Program Contribution : 325.000
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