he Great Retreat is a 30-day retreat
The Great Retreat is a 30-day retreat using Spiritual Exercise of St. Ignatius Loyola. In Spiritual Exercises (SE) 20a, it is said, "For a person who is more flexible in time and who wants to progress, as far as possible he should be given all the spiritual exercises in the order in which they are listed in this book. Usually he will progress further the more he isolates himself from friends and acquaintances and from all worldly pursuits." Even though the retreat is held in togetherness, the participants will undergo a personal retreat, intensively guided, pray 4-5 times a day, and in silence/silentium. This retreat can be attended by students, educators, parents, and the general public who are ready and trained in prayer life. Therefore, those who are going to undergo a Great Retreat are obliged to have experienced the Triduum, Oktiduum, and Self Healing, Cultivating Wound Experience.
Register Date : 01 January 2020 - 26 December 2020
Event Date : 01 February 2021 - 04 March 2021
Remaining Quota : 1
Spiritual Director : John Nugroho, SJ
Location : Rumah Retret Panti Semedi, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Facility :
Program Contribution : 7.500.000
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