• +6281328401166
  • retretpantisemedi@gmail.com


Ignatian Basic Prayer Exercise (Ladoda)

Ignatian Basic Prayer Exercise (Ladoda) is a prayer training program based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola. In this program, participants are invited to learn to reflect using the Journals method, Examen Conscientiae / Reflecting and become aware of God's love and practice Silent Prayers, Meditation Prayers, and Contemplative Prayers in the style of Spiritual Exercises. Ignatian Basic Prayer Exercise is held for four days online. Hence, the conditions for following it; 1) participants are able to provide approximately two hours a day with details of 1 hour for spiritual exercise and 1 hour for journaling, 2) participants are able to be pro-active and take the initiative to learn the material and run it according to guidance, 3) participants provide time for guidance/introduction online, 4) participants are able to submit the journals every day according to the agreed time.


Register Date : 10 August 2020 - 26 August 2020

Event Date : 31 August 2020 - 03 September 2020

Remaining Quota : 60

Spiritual Director : John Nugroho, SJ

Facility :

  • Program Modules

  • Program Contribution : 861.600

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