Self Healing, Cultivate Wound Experience
Self Healing, Cultivate Wound Experiences helps participants make peace with their experiences of inner wounds and re-experience the experience of love. The experience of love is greater and bigger than the experience of wounds that felt to be shackling and making oneself worthless. The unconditional love of God enables freedom, growth, and peace. Assisted through Love Contemplation, participants rediscovered God's love through their families, friends, the universe, and even people who had hurt them. The retreat is held online for eight days. Hence, the conditions for following it; 1) participants are able to provide approximately two hours a day with details of 1 hour for spiritual exercise and 1 hour for journaling, 2) participants are able to be pro-active and take material learning initiatives and run according to guidance, 3) participants provide time for guidance/introduction online, 4) participants are able to submit the journals every day according to the agreed time
Register Date : 17 August 2021 - 19 September 2021
Event Date : 25 September 2021 - 02 October 2021
Remaining Quota : 50
Spiritual Director : John Nugroho, SJ
Facility :
Program Contribution : 2.161.600
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