Peregrination; Living as a Pilgrimage
"Peregrination; Living as a Pilgrimage” is a program to learn to totally appreciate dependence on God. In particular, learned from St. Ignatius Loyola, whose life has always been on pilgrimage, participants were invited to experience more or less the same thing. Through physical pilgrimages and especially spiritual pilgrimages, participants are invited to get out of their comfort and safe zones to experience life, depending on the faithful and nurturing God. This program will last for eight days and seven nights. To experience this, participants will go on a pilgrimage on foot for three days and two nights without bringing any supplies to the shrine of Our Lady. Before running it, participants will get Ignatian debriefing first. This program is open for the public, ages 18 - 35 years, and is physically and mentally healthy.
Register Date : 01 January 2021 - 31 May 2021
Event Date : 24 June 2021 - 01 July 2021
Remaining Quota : 30
Spiritual Director : John Nugroho, SJ
Location : Rumah Retret Panti Semedi, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Facility :
Program Contribution : 1.000.000
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