The Pilgrimage of the Heart with Mary in the Java Mission
"The Pilgrimage of the Heart with Mary in the Java Mission" is a pilgrimage program to the First Our Lady Cave in Java as well as following in the footsteps of the birth of the first Catholic mission in Java. Therefore, besides on a pilgrimage to Gua Maria Sendang Sono, participants will be invited to make a pilgrimage to the graves of the priests and brothers at the beginning of the mission in Muntilan. One of the figures who should be remembered is Fr. Van Lith, SJ. The pilgrimage continued to the grave of Fr. J. Prenthaler, SJ., the great apostle of the Bukit Menoreh area in Boro. Before participating in it, participants will get Ignatian debriefing first. This program is intended for the public, aged 18 - 50 years, and is physically and mentally healthy.
Register Date : 02 August 2021 - 30 September 2021
Event Date : 20 October 2021 - 24 October 2021
Remaining Quota : 20
Spiritual Director : John Nugroho, SJ
Location : Rumah Retret Panti Semedi, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Facility :
Program Contribution : 1.750.000
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